The second instalment of Gary aka CutShapeMake talking about how his practice has grown & how he has nurtured this
I had created the darkroom work pre-computer, although computers were at college, they were not really used extensively and it was much later that I got involved with digital processes. After some early play with Photoshop and understanding the main principle of layers, I began using the scanner as a means to capture images. I would find or make objects then scan them with the scanner lid open to capture the 3 dimensional nature of them.
I also at this point was collecting a lot of old photographs and printed material, particularly shapes or lettering on cardboard boxes during my days working in a stockroom. It was this marriage of the analogue and the digital that informed my working methods for some time.
After a while I started to question using the computer. I could see all the elements that I had used laid out in front of me on my desk, I could pick them up and feel them, but when I looked at what I had done with them on the screen I thought “What is this? How does this exist?”.
I could print 1000s of the same image, so what did it mean? This led me to making physical pieces of work using cut and paste methods, one self-initiated project was based on exploring typographic form which eventually turned into a book.